All EKS clusters come with default AWS CNI plugin that provides some nice features like getting an address within VPC subnet range, with a performance of ENI. So why on earth you may want to use some other CNI?
Apart from some SNAT issues you may encounter while deploying first clusters there’s one BIG limitation of AWS CNI that comes from the number of IP addresses and ENI that you can assign to the single instance.
This table shows that limits. As you can see, e.g. for t3.large you can assign 3×12 = 36 IP addresses to a single EC2 instance. This seriously limits a number of pods that can be scheduled to a single node. It may or may not be a problem, but if you hit the wall with this limit, here’s the recipe on how to replace AWS CNI with Calico.
Remove existing AWS CNI components
First, we need to get rid of AWS CNI. But please, don’t just delete daemonset like other tutorials suggest as you’ll leave other parts of that component hanging in your cluster.
To do it properly, just to that:
curl > aws-cni.yaml
cat aws-cni.yaml | kubectl delete -f -
Add Calico components
Now, it’s time to add Calico CNI components. For a typical deploy it’s enough to use standard manifest (for larger deployment please read the docs and adjust manifests accordingly):
curl > calico.yaml
kubectl apply -f calico.yaml
Disable max pods limit
Unfortunately, replacing CNI plugin is not enough, we need to also modify EKS boostrap script and add the following flag:
--use-max-pods false
Depending on the deployment method of the cluster there may be different ways to accomplish that, I use Terraform EKS module for that and in that case it’s as simple as adding that flag to bootstrap_extra_args:
module "eks" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws"
version = "8.2.0"
worker_groups_launch_template = [
bootstrap_extra_args = "--use-max-pods false"
Terraform will rotate the nodes for you, after that you should be able to run (almost) as many pods as you wish :)
The last part is about fixing stuff that depends on CNI plugins.
Fix kube2iam
If you use kube2iam (IIRSa not elasic enough? :)), you need to change interface to cali+, e.g. for helm-based deployment you need to set:
iptables: true
interface: cali+
Fix metrics-server
Another problem I discovered after deploying Calico is that EKS-managed Kubernetes API Server blocks internal CIDR that calico uses. The easiest and acceptable way to fix that is to set (also, for helm-based deployments) host networking for metrics-server pod:
enabled: true
And that’s all – now you have a working EKS cluster without pod number limit :)
Christophe Aug 11 , 2020 at 10:47 /
And now you don’t have support and SLA on your cluster.
Dennis Oct 27 , 2020 at 18:41 /
You sure there’s no support since AWS even has an article about using Calico on EKS? I mean there may be something about not supported without the VPC CNI, but I don’t find anything stating that.
HidroFranxi Jan 10 , 2022 at 17:32 /
If this is aws managed node group, you still have support from AWS